Wednesday 4 October 2017

7 Amazing Benefits of Writing in a Gratitude Journal

Many highly successful people have spoken about the importance of their gratitude journal and the positive effect it has had on their life and success.
In this excerpt from Gratitude Journal: A Daily Tool to Unlock Your Power, Creativity, Success, Happiness and Love, LE Roberts writes about keeping a gratitude journal and the benefits.
A gratitude journal is a diary in which you regularly record the things you are thankful for. The time you write in your gratitude journal is one where a feeling of peace comes over you. It is a period you can use for reflection as you go over your life – distant and recent past – recounting the reasons to be grateful.
Expressing gratitude helps people to eliminate negative emotions, and helps you gain a new perspective on issues in particular and your life in general. It also increases happiness, improves relationships and general well-being. A study by McCullough and Emmons (2003)1 showed that participants who wrote in a gratitude journal for ten weeks or daily for two weeks experienced more positive moods, gratitude, better sleep, and optimism about the future.